Two hands together

Our aim is to provide accurate, relevant and evidence-based health information to help individuals make informed choices about their sexual health, and to enable educators and practitioners provide trusted information and advice to those in their communities.

How do we ensure the high quality of our content?

  • We are accredited by the Patient Information Forum (PIF). We have the ‘PIF TICK’ quality mark, which means that our editorial and content development processes have been reviewed by an independent body, ensuring the health information we produce is of the highest quality, clear and accurate.
  • All our content is reviewed by subject matter experts. Our expert peer reviewers check to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • We only use the highest-quality data and evidence sources which are vetted by robust internal processes.
  • We are led by research. We conduct bi-weekly reviews of all the new research and developments that happen in HIV and sexual health. This means that our information is always up-to-date with the latest information.
  • We regularly review and update our content. We have rigorous internal systems to ensure that our content is regularly reviewed and updated with the latest evidence from HIV and sexual health.
  • We have over 30 years’ experience in producing the highest quality information on HIV and sexual health, giving our users the knowledge, skills and confidence to take control of their sexual health. Our staff have decades of international experience across the HIV and sexual health sectors.
  • Our sexual health information brand Be in the KNOW is verified and green rated by NewsGuard, an internet trust tool that provides detailed trust ratings for 6,000+ news websites that account for 95% of online engagement with news.
  • We are signatories of the Patient Information Forum’s Health and Digital Literacy Charter, which aspires to make it easier for people to navigate, understand, and use information and services to take care of their health. We have also endorsed the Principles for Digital Development, which are guidelines designed to help integrate best practices into digital programmes.

Find out more about how we approach our work.

Photo credit: iStock/LaylaBird

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