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Thank you for using Avert.info. This page explains the terms and conditions on which you may use our website and the information on it. You can also read Avert.info's privacy policy.

By using our website or submitting content to us (whether unsolicited or solicited by us) you are agreeing to these terms and conditions so please read them carefully. We may change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes online. Your continued use of this website after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions as changed.

Information about us

Avert.info is a website operated by the international HIV and sexual health charity, Avert (referred to as ‘Avert’, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ in these terms and conditions). We are registered in England under charity number 1074849 and company number 3716796. We have our registered office at Platf9rm, Tower Point, 44 North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YR, UK.

The name ‘Avert’ and the Avert logo are trademarks of Avert. Nothing on this website means that you can use these trademarks or any other intellectual property rights of Avert, or use any intellectual property rights of any other person or organisation.

Use of the website and content copyright

Unless stated otherwise, the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in all content (text, images, graphics, videos etc.) on Avert.info are owned by Avert which reserves its rights in all such material.

If you want to use any of our content please contact info@avert.org. We will need to approve your proposed use of the content before you use it and may ask you for a fee.

Where the copyright belongs to someone other than Avert, this will be stated on, next to, or near to, the relevant content. If you want to use this content, you need to ask the copyright holder for permission – Avert cannot grant permission for anything other than content that is wholly owned by Avert.

The inclusion of persons in images on this website is for illustrative purposes only. This does not imply any health status or behaviour by anyone depicted. In order to respect the privacy of any people who are mentioned on this website, the photographs and names used are not necessarily those of the actual people concerned.


We provide links to other websites for your information, but (as stated above) we are not responsible for the content of any other websites or pages linking to or from our website. Links to any other websites cannot be taken as an endorsement of the content or approval by us of the views and expressions on those websites.

You may link to our web pages, so long as you do so in a way which is fair and legal and which does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link with us which suggests any form of association, approval or endorsement where none exists.

Disclaimer and law

We update our website regularly, and may change the content at any time. However, you should be aware that any content may be out-of-date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update it.

All content and information on Avert.info is made available with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to its accuracy or any other matter. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Avert accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered by anyone who relies on anything on this website, and by anyone who submits any content, whether unsolicited or solicited by us.

These terms and conditions are governed by English law and both Avert and any user submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Your concerns

If you have any concerns about content which appears on our website, please contact us using the email info@avert.org.

If you are dissatisfied with the standard of service, action or lack of action, by Avert or its staff and associated personnel, you can make a complaint by email to info@avert.org, or in writing to The Directors, Platf9rm, Tower Point, 44 North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YR, UK. Our complaints policy is available here.

Thank you for visiting Avert.info.

Photo credit: Kerstin Hacker. Photos are used for illustrative purposes. They do not imply health status or behaviour.

Avert logo

All material on www.avert.info is copyright Avert (unless stated otherwise). All rights reserved. Registered UK charity number: 1074849. Registered UK company number: 3716796.