Hands together

About the partnership

Vitol Foundation has supported Avert projects since 2019, when they funded an evaluation of our approach to digital communication with young people in Zambia.

In 2021, Vitol Foundation awarded Avert a grant to further develop and adapt our Boost app , which provides digital information on HIV and sexual health for community health workers in Southern Africa. The aim of Boost is to help community health workers keep learning, and equip them with fun, interactive tools that they can use with their clients. Vitol Foundation funding enables us to work with our partner OPHID to develop Boost in Zimbabwe – an adaptation and further development of Boost with a focus on the needs of children and young people.

Vitol Foundation is delighted to partner with Avert to improve young people’s knowledge of and ability to access SRH and mental health services, contribute to the evidence base of what works and support frontline health workers to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to enable this access.

Vitol Foundation

About the Vitol Foundation

Vitol Foundation invests in equitable, replicable and scalable solutions across the multiple sectors, including health. The Foundation seeks to fund organisations and ideas that support children and families living in deprivation to escape the cycle of poverty and reach their potential in life.

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All material on www.avert.info is copyright Avert (unless stated otherwise). All rights reserved. Registered UK charity number: 1074849. Registered UK company number: 3716796.