Info services.png

Lack of information about HIV and AIDS was a key driver behind the creation of Avert in 1986, and information services were a central plank of the organisation’s work from the start.

Within the first few months of Avert’s operation, work started on an information leaflet in conjunction with the National Union of Students, that was used as part of the UK’s first campaign to specifically target students with information about AIDS in late 1986.

The initial UK focus of Avert’s information work quickly became global, driven by both demand from individuals and the needs of the wider HIV response. The aim of the programme was to fill information gaps where others didn’t, couldn’t, or wouldn’t go.

By the time its publications programme ended in 2001, Avert had produced and distributed nearly 3.5 million booklets and leaflets worldwide.

I enjoyed reading [the booklets], and I think them excellent for teenagers because reading them has made me more careful, and more aware of things that could happen.

Dennis, 15

Information service user, 2001

Avert also established an enquiry service to answer questions that individuals and organisations, including the media, had about HIV and AIDS. While questions initially came by post and phone from the UK, very quickly enquiries were coming by email from across the world. By 1994, the service was answering around 4,000 enquiries each year.


million printed information booklets and leaflets distributed worldwide (1986-2001)
people supported with personalised information through the personal enquiry service (1988-2010)
Over 50,000
million copies of AIDS and young people distributed globally (1989-2000)

Main image: a variety of Avert publication covers from the period 1987-2001.

Avert logo

All material on is copyright Avert (unless stated otherwise). All rights reserved. Registered UK charity number: 1074849. Registered UK company number: 3716796.