Graphic illustrating health literacy

Millions of individuals and health workers, in many of the places most affected by HIV, do not have up-to-date knowledge to support their own and their communities’ sexual health. We’re committed to close the HIV knowledge gap and build health literacy in locations and with those people most affected, by:

  • increasing the HIV and sexual health-related knowledge, skills and confidence of those most at risk of HIV and poor sexual health, and those living with HIV
  • expanding and deepening the knowledge, skills and confidence of educators and advocates working on local responses to HIV and sexual health
  • supporting evidence-based practice among primary HIV and sexual health practitioners.

We do this by working in partnership to develop and promote HIV and sexual health content and resources that are accurate, accessible, useful, and actionable. We focus on digital communications – making use of the growing opportunity digital provides to reach people online in spaces they are already spending time.

If you are a young woman living in Zambia confused about what you’ve heard about HIV from an older relative, or a young gay man in India lacking confidence to speak to a health worker about sex, or a community health worker in Zimbabwe trying to keep up with new developments in the HIV response and how to speak about these to your clients – Avert is here to provide you with the information, tools and resources you need.

Sarah Hand

Chief Executive, Avert

Our approach is based on clear evidence that health literacy increases and improves an individual’s engagement with and uptake of available health services, which in turn improves overall health outcomes. By addressing the HIV and sexual health knowledge gaps and building health literacy we are supporting achievement of the UNAIDS global targets on HIV which feed into the wider health-related Sustainable Development Goals.

Our transition strategy

Avert took the bold decision at the end of 2023 to take a new strategic direction that will see the core brands of the organisation, Boost and Be in the KNOW, transition to new locally led organisations in sub-Saharan African, where they will be owned and managed from the end of 2024 onwards. This will support sustainability and growth and increase local ownership and leadership.

Find out more about our strategy

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Our transition strategy

Avert’s new strategy focuses on transitioning our flagship products to African-led organisations who can best ensure they continue to grow and thrive.

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2021-24 strategy: From knowledge to action

Working towards informed choices on HIV and sexual health. View and download our latest strategy.


Knowledge is power – it’s time to close the HIV knowledge gap

Avert CEO, Sarah Hand, discusses the importance of health literacy in the HIV response.

Photo credit: iStock/SCShutter. Images used on this site are for illustrative purposes only. They do not imply any health status or behaviour on the part of the people in the photo.

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All material on is copyright Avert (unless stated otherwise). All rights reserved. Registered UK charity number: 1074849. Registered UK company number: 3716796.