
The event was held in Avert’s hometown, Brighton and Hove, UK, bringing together around 75 current and old staff, Trustees, donors, sector allies and peers, and suppliers. But most importantly we also welcomed the partner organisations we are now handing our work over to – OPHID, LVCT Health and Kenya Comms Hub.

Avert staff with representatives from the three transition organisations OPHID, LVCT Health and Kenya Comms Hub.

The evening was a celebration of all that Avert has achieved over the last four decades, and also marked how we have been able to responsibly transition our work to these remarkable new organisations who will ensure evidence-based, sex positive digital health communications continues as an essential part of the HIV response going forward.

Avert CEO Sarah Hand (centre) with five of Avert’s trustees. From left to right: Anna Becker, Carol Sherman, Simon Forrest (Chair), Emily Hughes, and Carole Leach-Lemens.

Read the final blog in our transition series - Celebrating a good ending and a great new beginning.

Download out legacy report, 'An independent voice: Avert's contribution to the global HIV response 1986-2024'.

Photo credits: Emma Bailey.

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